About Execu-Suites
Downtown Orlando: The Angebilt Building
Opening of Our Southwest Orlando Location
Virtual Office Services Grow
Although Virtual Office Services are a new concept for many, Execu-Suites began offering Virtual Office services at our Downtown location back in 1998. As the internet became more accessible in the home, the need for professional Virtual Office services continued to expand and grow. Companies and those working from home began looking for access to a corporate address/mail services, phone services and/or meeting rooms and hourly office rental on demand but not necessarily on a full time basis.
In order to meet the demand of this fast growing officing segment, Execu-Suites launched an online meeting room and day office reservation site. This allowed Clients to have on demand access to Execu-Suites’ meeting rooms and day office schedules. Clients were now able to book the time they needed while on the phone with their client. No other Central Florida provider offered this service. Additionally, Execu-Suites allows reciprocal access to meeting rooms or day offices at their two locations, regardless of where a client signs up.
Execu-Suites now services over 500 Virtual clients in many different capacities. Execu-Suites’ flexible Virtual Office Plans make it easy and affordable to contract for just the services needed with no set up fees or deposits on a month to month basis.
Our Continued Commitment
While services have been added or changed over the years in response to client demand, our commitment to providing personable knowledgeable staff that “take care of the client” has never wavered. Our staff, our services, and our image represent our client to their customers. Execu-Suites looks to provide a positive experience every day to those that have entrusted their businesses into our care. Our dedication to “serving the customer” is truly what sets us apart from others in the industry. Read our testimonials to see what our clients say.
Happy Clients
What Our Clients Say?